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How to use a Wicked toy in your fitness routine

Making the time for regular exercise can be a challenge for everyone. This gets worse as we get stuck in the daily grind of school, work and family life. We think the best way to combat this is to make your exercise routine fun!

How about combining exercise with play time? This way you can spend quality time with your child and make sure you’re all getting some extra physical activity. Read on to see how you can use some of Wicked’s top toys to make it as fun and interactive as possible.

Mega Bounce

The Wicked Mega Bounce range has 5 different sizes to choose from. If you have a lot of space or taking a walk to the park, the Mega Bounce XL is a good choice. The extreme heights this ball can bounce will keep both you and your child entertained. You can play different games or just run and chase after it.

If you’re lucky to live near water, take the Mega Bounce H2O out for a spin. Instead of trying to skip a rock, try and skip the bounce ball and see how far it can go.

Wicked’s entire bounce ball collection can be used on almost any terrain! Take it to the beach or enjoy a bit of backyard fun.

Mega Jump Sonic

Skipping or jump rope is making a huge comeback in the younger generations. You and your family should jump on board ASAP. Get yourselves a high-quality skipping rope from Wicked – the Mega Jump or try the Mega Jump Double Dutch and practice some new tricks with a much longer rope. Skipping is such a great exercise and will help with your over-all cardio fitness and you’ll build on your stamina.

Watch our YouTube tutorials and you can learn a few new tricks!

Bubble Football Game

If you haven’t seen Wicked’s Body Bubble Ball, now’s your chance. This versatile inflatable toy is perfect for some good old-fashioned family fun. You can run into each other without worrying about injury, crash, bash and smash just for fun! Another great idea is to set up a Bubble Football game for the family – the bubble balls come in 2 colours, blue and red so you can create teams.

The game will have the basic rules of football and involve plenty of running and jumping around, there’s no doubt you’ll tire yourselves out and have a solid night’s sleep.

We hope these ideas inspire you to get up and get active! Combining exercise and play is sending the right message to your child showing them that spending time together and keeping active are both important aspects of life.

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